Sunday, February 26, 2012

America is at War with Islam

America is at war with Islam:  It needs to be said; it needs to be understood; and it needs to be embraced if we are ever going to win the War on Terror.  Does this mean that we need to invade countries and kill every Muslim in the world?  Absolutely not!  Wars are not always fought on the battlefield with armies.  Sometimes we need to win the war through intellect, but in order for us to win our war we need be honest with ourselves and name our enemy.

America is at war with Islam
Radical Muslims want to rule the world

We were at war with an opposing ideology last century.  We called that war the Cold War, and we fought in on the world stage against the U.S.S.R. and their Communist ideology.  The Cold War had a few hot flashes in Korea, Cuba and Vietnam, but for the most part it was won by the west through financial and ideological superiority.  No American President ever said that Communism was a reasonable alternative to our capitalist way of life.  The rights of free people were never compromised in an effort to merge the two systems of Government.   

Presidents from both parties condemned Communism.  Ronald Reagan was not alone when he famously described the Soviet Union as the evil empire.   He was simply building on John F. Kennedy words when JFK said “this [is] a struggle for supremacy between two conflicting ideologies: freedom under God versus ruthless, godless tyranny."   With the two parties united against an enemy of America, we were able to work together as a nation to bring down the evil empire.  If we substitute our past enemy (communism) with our current enemy (Islam) our former president Ronald Reagan could provide us quotes like this:

"The years ahead will be great ones for our country, for the cause of freedom and the spread of civilization. The West will not contain Islam, it will transcend Islam. We will not bother to denounce it, we'll dismiss it as a sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages are even now being written."  -modified Reagan quote
Our current war has failed to define our enemy.  Are we fighting the Sunni, the Shi'a, the Wahhabi, the Taliban, Al Qaida, or any other entity?  Our leaders only know one thing for sure; we are not fighting Islam.  At times it evenseems as though we are fighting for Islam rather than against it.  In Afghanistan we were fighting the Taliban, and now Obama is trying to befriend the Taliban.  In Iraq first the Sunni Muslims were our enemies, and then the Shi’a became our enemies.  Now it is neither, or both, who knows we are out of there!  In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood was a terrorist organization, but then Obama forced Mubarak to step down to allow the brotherhood to take control.  The danger is not only do we not know who we are fighting, but we are wasting blood and treasure fighting undefined wars without a clear enemy or objective.  What is victory?  What good does it do Americans to see Middle Easterners with purple fingers from voting for leaders that are hostile to the United States?  Give me an Arab king that is a friend of America over a democracy that votes for Taliban style Islamic rule any day of the week. 

afghan woman in burkas
A Group of Islamic women Wearing Burkas while
waiting outside a USAID-supported health care clinic. 2003

No American President should ever pretend that Islam is our moral equivalent as a form of religion or government.  Islam is not just a religion; Islam is a political system.  Our academics are telling our leaders that political Islam is a reasonable option for the Middle East.  They do not think that political Islam is a problem, which might have something to do with President Obama’s failures in Egypt and Libya.   Say what you will about Christianity, but it is undeniable that Christianity has built the greatest societies in the world today.  Christianity has built nations that allow for religious freedom and peace among men.   This stems from the golden rule of Christianity which states “thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”. 

Some will claim that Islam is also a religion of peace, but the reality of the world says otherwise.  Political Islam has been implemented in countries throughout the Middle East.  Its Ideology breeds suicide bombers and hatred toward other races and religions.  Women are stoned and beaten for trivial offences, children are killed for the honor of the parents, converts are killed for apostasy, Christians are killed for spreading the Gospel, and Jews are killed because they are Jews.  Islam is not a peaceful religion; Islam is a religion of death and oppression.  The claim that there is a difference between Bin Ladenism and political Islam is wishful thinking in my opinion.  The risk of allowing for the unimpeded expansion of political Islam into a Muslim Caliphate is too great to allow.  Who are we going to believe our own lying eyes or some university and political eggheads when it comes to the threats that we are currently facing?  These experts are the same ones that are telling us to watch out for people with Ron Paul bumper stickers, do you really want to put our very existence in jeopardy over their politically correct hunch?

Qur'an (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Given this fact, America needs to stop giving legitimacy to this ideology of Islam.  We need to preach against Islam.  Whether that means that we are combating Islam through theology, or condemning the evils of Islam on the international stage; it means that we are recognizing our enemy and confronting it whenever possible.   When was the last time America condemned a Muslim nation for executing Christians, Jews, Hindus, or Buddhists for their religious views?  America is supposed to be the beacon of freedom, yet we are silent on these issues of religious intolerance in the Muslim world.  We hear more on our so called news when an American threatens to burn a Quran than we hear then a Christian gets beheaded for his faith.

 Our country is more worried about what Muslims think of us, than supporting what is right.  We cower when Muslims riot in outrage over the acts of our “infidel” soldiers, but where is our outrage?  Muslims do not care how we view them, because they do not respect us as a people.  We are the enemies of Islam from their point of view, and they are fighting us as their enemies.  It is time for us to engage in this Cold War.  The truth is that Muslim nations are never going to like America.  We are the number one hurdle  --the great Satan--  that they must overcome for their dreams of an Islamic world system to become a reality.

The left wants to equate all religions and say that we are at war with “religious extremists” and many on the secular right agree.  This line of thinking is muddying the waters on our current War on Terror.  When we allow North Africa to fall into the hands of the Muslim radicals it shows the complete lack of vision from our leaders.  If we secure Iraq now what is going to happen?  Now we have the Muslim brotherhood running Egypt and radicals running Libya.  Guess where terror is going to ferment next.  We will never secure the region as long as Islam is taught unopposed in the Middle East.  

We watched the rebels in Libya brutally murder Kadafi.   These are not civilized people, and we cannot treat them like they are post war Germany ready to rejoin Western culture.  These are third world desert people trapped by a 7th century ideology.  The Egyptian Brotherhood already said that if we stop bribing them with foreign aid, that they will attack Israel.  So we are paying them a Jizyah as a reminder of our inferior status as per the Quran.  

In order to defeat Islam we need to stop its growth by any and all means possible.  We should start a propaganda war immediately showing the errors in the teachings of Mohammad.  We should schedule debates and televise them throughout the Muslim world.  We should not stand back and allow this religion to go unopposed.  Whenever a Muslim state kills a person for his religion the leaders of that nation should be held on charges for crimes against humanity.  If America wants to call itself a beacon for liberty and freedom, then America needs to start shining the light of truth on this evil religion.